Mon - Thurs 11am to 9pm
Fri- Sat 11am to 12am
SUNDAY 2pm - 9pm

The Vault ohio
317 Chillicothe St
Portsmouth, Ohio

TheVaultOhio is proud to facilitate leagues in the local high schools & middle schools that teach students the principles of teamwork, leadership, strategy, sportsmanship and how to use computer games productively. We believe that ESPORTS are a powerful tool and can benefit students’ lives in many ways.
Join the Road to College!
We are currently serving Valley High School and are seeking other schools to join the scholastic game! Students who want to play on a team will go through tryouts for the game they choose and teams are assembled by team captains and coaches. The games we offer and feel are the best for highschool ESPORTS. We chose these games because they rely heavily on teamwork and strategy and are the most common games that colleges are recruiting and offering scholarships.
For more information or to inquire about setting this program up in your school contact:
Jaden at (740) 205-8622